New Job, Lost Phone and Tweexter Update

Posted: 2008/07/31 in PSPDEV, Random Rants
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I started the week with the a new job. I’m so relieved to be free from my last job. It’s not that I hate the company, but the type of work. It was software testing, more of a code review kind of work. It was so boring and very monotonous. Everytime I start the there, I was counting down every minute till the day’s end.  Another thing that I hated about it is that the I didn’t got anything from the management for all the extra efforts that I exerted in making software tools for the work process. Can you believe it that during idle times, others just chat and do other unrelated work stuff while I on my INITIATIVE, code tools? And what do I get, NONE? So I quit the job for a more exciting, fulfulling and more rewarding job.

And now I’m working a game studio here in the Philipines, bwahahaha. Bliss. I’m actually gonna do coding(which I love to do) and I’m gonna do it for games(which I also love). Hitting two birds with one stone. Nice. But it’s not for the PSP, actually it’s for the Nintendo DS. But it’s certainly gonna be a good experience. For the first week, I’m self studying and NDS’ SDK is very different from the PSPSDK that i’ve been using. Hopefully, I won’t get dull on my PSP coding.

But the thing that really pissed me off was that I actually lost my phone. The problem is that I don’t know if it was stolen or I just lost it. Boy am I stupid(I kept saying this to my head a thousand times already). Even though it’s Nokia 6600, I felt, I lost a lot. It’s cheap nowadays but buying a new phone will set me back for my plans to buy a NDS and a laptop. I just hope that the one who got seriously need it or the money(if he/she sells it). Hope that helps you, whoever you are.

Even though I’m all depressed, I promised at that I will fix the bug on the score, and so here I am, announcing that it is already fixed. Latest version is 0.1.3 and get it on the Projects/Tweexter page. I also got it on google code, link here. If you got any problem, just file a ticket on the Issues tab on google code.

That’s it for now, enjoy.

  1. Tweexter Addict says:

    Thx for the tweexter update! Great homebrew indeed, playing with it quite often :o)
    I’m wondering if it’s possible for you to compile 0.1.3 with french words, as you already produced a 0.1.1-fra version ? Keep up the good work ! Cheers.

  2. reizencroft says:

    Thanks for the comment. I’m working right now for the update to 0.1.4, and I’ll be compiling a version that uses a french dictionary. I’m still having troubles with my schedule, but God willing, it’ll be out by the end of August.

  3. Chenfeng says:

    Actually, you were about to be promoted. That’s 1 more month to go. It’s just that if you stayed, you’ll still have that monotonous work. #7

  4. reizencroft says:


    Hahaha. Maybe its just a rumor. Ally was also rumored to be promoted if she stayed a bit longer. They certainly didn’t mentioned that to me when they talked to me after I passed my resignation.
    Maybe its just speculations from others who somehow noticed what I’ve done in my stay at TSPI. For all I know, the management there didn’t care what I’ve made for them. Maybe because I forgot to format my name in boldface and twice the font size on the codes that I’ve done on my INITIATIVE.
    It’s all rumors. And certainly I didn’t regret my decision to leave.

  5. R0G3R says:

    parang walang update naman to jeff. lagi ko namang nakikita sa status mo

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